четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


Know thy cvti faith, O Gorakh Ndth: Ijtjo jog, suplial bo jag men, amar rabegi kuyd. Bigare parlok ; kahi mdn le meri. Itiija Go pi Chand. Bo thy body destroyed by countless blows 1 A doubt hath arisen in my mind. Like a lifeless body ; quickly was the maid bewildered. Wo si v teen hundred Ranis Will now give up our lives! main aj sunia tusi mp3

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To her of one sou there is but an only sou, so do thou lovingly protect him. Nothing is known of this worthy apparently. Have three hundred and sixty beds laid in the palace: But mp the Creator that made it! Thou art very foolish, and hast no morcy! Amar ndm ab hAA jagat men, tain jas pAyA.

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Do this much, my son, and then understand the saint- ship. Ganosa is the god of all beginnings. Why art grieved, my Lord?

Sab ranwAs jharoko 13gA pardA chhuti bauati. Martin bahin ke stith: Dunia bachchft, mftyu men bharmayd. Ablii main darshan karno jdti. Kyflh bo rabe behdl? Jogan banko sang chalorigo, zahar pi y aid pi veil! MAb mori karo kanth men bAsA! A variant or rather corollary of the idea of extraordinary voracity is that of extraordinary strength. This same btory of Jagdeo represents another favorite feature of Indian folktales, tho substituted hero, who is here supplanted by a mere accident and not through malice as is usual.

NA jog suphal ho, RAojl, jo turn hAo faqir. Why then art thou sad, that art but a wedded wife V 9 Hard Pdtam Dai. Hast ever thought on devotion? The hero wishes to stop a horseman whom he suspects to be a saint in disguise, but the horseman drops majn whip, and while the hero stoops to pick it up he is off.

Kytin karte ho socb, Ndtbji? Ap tire kul tdr jagat ndm karwuvo.

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Is jogi ki bdt karan so merit kalijd khdyd. Princess, that 1 go across the ocean.

How many heavens and worlds ' O iny Lady Rani, many saints have gone and many a heaven! Beating her head against her couch. But I have given up my anxieties: The Earth and the Heaven will go, but thou wilt not go, thou Lord of men. Hamra jitirti kytin tarpdo?

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This is often natural or inherent, as mainn the visible and invisible crowds that follow a saint or holy man: Taking up a long cane the maid went to the gate. Re chela, praghat kydn nahiri dyd?

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And will remain awake the whole night, And I will catch the thief of my ring myself.

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