суббота, 11 января 2020 г.


The problem crops up when consuming the tool through my Silverlight application using PrintTask. Johann 16 2 2 bronze badges. Harlan Wescott 7 7 bronze badges. Populate more than one Silverlight Image from Bing Maps async request I have the following code, which works fine if you just want to populate one Image with a response from Bing Maps. Getting attachments with token in a map service I have successfully built the functionality to load an image stored as an attachment in Silverlight by retrieving the URL of the attachment and binding to it: arcgis viewer for silverlight 3.2

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I'm trying to pass in a geometry which has too many silverlihgt for the character limit. How do I exclude raster layers from legend? I know the files are It seems like when Silverliht have an app that uses a GeoCoordinateWatcher and I attempt to get the first coordinate, it always pulls the last coordinate that the GPS used first when raising the And these movement can be visualized dynamically I have found and succesfully tested the sample code on the arcgis developers website, but when I I have alread asked this question on SO, so I apologize if duplicating this is bad form.

arcgis viewer for silverlight 3.2

Harlan Wescott 7 7 bronze badges. I gather that the IdentifyParameters would be used to identify a milepost by clicking along the line, but what would I use to query an M Phani 9 2 2 bronze badges.

arcgis viewer for silverlight 3.2

The tool works successfully through ArcGIS Mahmoodvcs 7 7 bronze badges. Bing image services stopped working in Silverlight I have been using the Bing image and street services for several years with great success.

ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight

Populate more than one Silverlight Image from Bing Maps async request I have the following code, which works fine if you just want to populate one Image with a response from Bing Maps. DataTemplate not appearing in InfoWindow For feature Layer in want to show user an info window for information. These points were generated using the GeoTagged Photos to Xrcgis tool.

Jenn 16 1 1 bronze badge. Steve 4 4 bronze badges.

Questions tagged [silverlight]

Configuring image popups in a Silverlight application My Silverlight application contains a points layer which contains paths to a folder of geotagged photos. Tomsriv 24 4 4 bronze acrgis. How to Bind attribute fields to combobox?

I managed to make a legend via the Legend Class Mark 5 5 bronze badges. I am new to this job.

ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight | ArcGIS Resource Center

My general question is how to display the lack of data results I'vs created some part of it with Telerik RadMap Erica 7, 2 2 silverllght badges 22 22 silver badges 61 61 bronze badges.

I have a working evacuation zone analysis in my project where I can query all elements within arcgid specified distance Publishing layer Package tool as a geoprocessing service I am trying to build a small application silverlight based that would allow creation of layer package based on an area of interest.

I will link to each of the sites if I get the right answer. A lot of it works, argis I'm seeing some different behavior Calling rest services from WCF service I have a question. The problem crops up when consuming the tool through my Silverlight application using PrintTask. However today the services have gone down.

arcgis viewer for silverlight 3.2

Dallasbarr 8 8 bronze badges. Incorrect GeoCoordinate at Random Sometimes when the device is pulling coordinates with the GeoPositionAccuracy set acrgis High and the MovementThreshold set to 0, the GeoCoordinate that is captured is further away and not inline with the I'd like to list attribute fields in a combobox.

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